
'American Revolution'

'Andy Candy'

'Back Draft'

'Black Plush'


'Canadien Border Patrol'

'Chocolate Candy'

'Cool It'

'Crimson Pirate'

'Destined to See'

'Ed Murray'

'Final Touch'

'Frans Hals'

'Heavenly Starfire'

'Ice Cap'

'Kwanso Flore Pleno'

'Lake Norman'

'Little Cobbler'

'Night Beacon'

'Nile Crane'

'Pink Damask'

'Red Suspender'

'Seal of Approval'

'Silent Sentry'

'Siloam June Bug'

'Siloam Nugget'

'Siloam Purple Plum'

'Summer Wine'

'Swirling Water'

'Wild and Wonderful'

'Wilson Spider'

Hemerocallis citrina

Hemerocallis fulva

Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus

'Daring Desception'

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